Find and advertisement online for a position in which you have some interest. Write a cover letter applying for that position. Be sure that your assertions about yourself are true, are backed up by adequate concrete evidence, and are clearly linked to attributes required for the job. Since correct spelling, punctuation, and grammar are crucial to projecting a credible image of yourself, pay special attention to those aspects of the letter. This assignment should include the cover letter and a resume.%uFFFD
CRITERIA%uFFFD Strategy: Is the letter appropriate for the job described?%uFFFD FOR GRADING %uFFFD Content; Does the introduction provide an overview of the contents of the letter? Have you provided concrete evidence to back up claims you make? Have you stressed what you can do for the company rather than what the company can do for you? Does your last paragraph outline %uFFFDnext steps%uFFFD as appropriate?%uFFFD Style and tone: Are the paragraphs coherent and the sentences concise? Is the tone appropriate-confident, polite, businesslike?%uFFFD Mechanics: Is the letter free from spelling, punctuation, and grammatical mistakes? Formant and design: Have you used the correct business letter format. COVER LETTER 1 PAGE NO MORE THAN THAT JOB POSITION AS A PROGRAMER this is the Resume |