Apple Inc.

Answer all the questions provided in details and explain all the calculations provided in all table and how the numbers are found

* This website may help (what i need is the same formate)

*The case study is provided in the attachment provided (PDF)

Answer these questions (These questions are in the attachment provided)

Answer the following Questions:
1) Evaluate Apple Inc. Vision / Mission based on clear criteria.
2) Apply the five forces model on Apple’s case.
3) Discuss the competitive Profile Matrix.
4) Interpret the Financial ratios for both Apple and Alphabet.
5) Discuss the importance of the Internal and External Audits
6) Discuss importance of the Internal factors/External factors based on the given weights/rates in Apple’s matrices
7) Suggest TWO strategies in each of TWOS matrix (i.e. So & WO & St & WT)
8) Define and discus the importance of the SPACE Matrix and the Grand Strategy Matrix. Conduct both of them to Apple Inc. and comment on your answer
9) Based on the given comparative revenue. Conduct the IE matrix and comment on your answer
10) What is the QSPM, and why we need it and what are the main steps of QSPM. Comment on the given part of the QSPM to the opportunities/threats of Apple in the mentioned two options