Its the final evaluation section of a grant for affordable housing affected by gentrification in Charleston SC

This is a grant and I need to complete the final evaluation. (How we will evaluate what we say we will do with the money ($300,000).

Goal- To increase the quality of life for citizens Charleston experiencing difficulties with obtaining affordable housing.

Outcome Objective- To develop an apartment unit within a 10 mile radius of downtown Charleston by December 2018, to increase the number of affordable housing units for citizens in the downtown area of Charleston experiencing symptoms of gentrification.

Program Design Draft, Part 2:
Evaluation plan, Budget, Budget Narrative, applicant capability, and sustainability. Drafts will be reviewed and given feedback. Drafts will not be given any points.

Instructions: For Draft #2, students will complete a more refined draft of the Scope of Work (SOW) component of the assignment along with a draft of the budget, budget narrative, and other attachments. Explanation of budget, budget narratives, and other attachments will be given in Zoom Lectures.

Part II
Evaluation Plan (1 page)
Budget Request. Budget should not go over $300,000, 1 year
Budget Narrative/Justification
Applicant Capability and Partnerships (1/2 – 1 page)
Future Funding Plans & Sustainability Plan (1/2 – 1 page)

EVALUATION PLAN: Max 10 points
• Does the evaluation plan focus on an Outcome or Process objective?
• Does the evaluation plan include the methods and tool(s) that will be use (survey, interviews, observation, logs, client demographics, etc.?)
• Does it explain how the evaluation tool were selected (reliability, validity, cultural relevance, best practice)
• Does it have specific measurement percentages (70% will decrease, etc.)?
• Does it describe what behavior the evaluation components will assess (number of times children eat fruits per day, minutes of physical activity per day, etc.)
• Does it describe who will complete each of the evaluation tools and indicate at what point during the program evaluation will occur (baseline, midpoint, six months, termination)
• Does it describe who will administer the assessment tools, how the data will be collected and how the data will be used for