Career Wanderings Reflective Essays

Part 1: Consolidate your career wanderings for the semester into a series of four visuals. These visuals can contain collages, drawings, word art, etc. Your first visual represents where you have been; your second visual represents where you are now; your third visual should represent where you want to go; and your fourth visual should represent how you are going to get there. These visuals should be enhanced versions of wandering maps and contain pictures, symbols and other material, not just words.

Part 2: You will write a 2500-2750 word essay explaining your visuals in part three you will deliver a presentation where you display this series of wanderings maps and discuss your career journey. You are expected to use the sum of the knowledge and reflections (Yellowdig/other assignments) done in this course to write a well-informed and reflective essay. You may not answer “I don’t know” of any of these questions. Be creative and have fun with your visuals! You should include reflection on at least one activity you had to complete for/in this class for each question.