In this class, you have been studying airport design including airside and landside portions of an airport. For your research report, you were to construct your own airport. Your paper should have: • a table of contents, • abstract, • description of the airport, • drawings of your final airport layout design, and • a summary. References and current APA format should be used. Follow closely the criteria provided. Your Research Report is worth 100 points and 20% of your final grade. Content Requirements: You have been designated by the FAA to come up with a plan for the development of a runway (or multiple runways) and corresponding taxiways for new traffic that will be starting soon in your metropolitan area. You have the following specifics required for design and development: Prevailing winds: 093 degrees 75% of time 140 degrees 20% of time Calm Rest of time Type of Aircraft: 767-300ER is the largest Obstructions: Compost 3 miles east of airport Elevation of Field – 832′