Consumer behavior

Review an important academic journal in the field or topic of interest and identify a problem or gap in the journal. You are also required to identify the underpinning theory or literature used and write a critical review on it. You are also required to identify research method used and discuss on the feasibility of the research method and its results or findings.

You will be required to do a presentation on the above topic for 30 minutes. You are also required to prepare 20 slides and prepare a hard copy for submission after the presentation.

Marks will be awarded on criterias as per below :

Professionalism in Attire – 15 marks

Communication – 15 marks
Eye contact
Body Language
Facial Expressions

Content – 50 marks
Explanation and Delivery
Team Work – 10 marks

Question & Answer – 10 marks

Total – 100 marks

Learning Outcomes :

Identifying and selecting the relevant research methods for data collection, analysis, interpretation and presentation of data.

Clear awareness of ethical rules and considerations in undertaking research.

Clear awareness on formulation of research problems and identification of appropriate literature review.

Group Assignment – Group Meeting Journal

Group Members :
Name : ………………………………… No: ………………………….
Name : ………………………………… No :………………………….
Name : ………………………………… No: ………………………….
Name: …………………………………. No : …………………………
Name : ………………………………… No: ………………………….

Date Discussion / Agreed Action

Group Assignment – Self Assessment and Peer Evaluation

Name : ………………………………….. Student No : ………………………………
Please provide a brief outline of your contribution to the group assignment. Each member must complete and submit one form each individually. It must be counter-signed by the remaining group members.

Brief statement of your contributions (in point form)

Group members

…………………………………………… Agree / Disagree
…………………………………………… Agree / Disagree
…………………………………………… Agree / Disagree
…………………………………………… Agree / Disagree
If you disagree, indicate your reasons herein:
Group Assignment – Self Reflection

Name : ………………………………….. Student No : ………………………………
(a) Discuss the advantages and disadvantages experienced in working with this group?

(b) How is working in a group different from working by yourself ?

(c) What would you do differently next time?

Date : ………………………… Signature : …………………………..