Hi, thanks for writing the literature review section. I still have some troubles as the School changes my chair and now I have to change the method of collecting data from qualitative into quasi experiment. I will uplaod the entire paper if you dont mind to take a look at what they are asking me to change.
I would like you to help me write these sections. I am investigating the phenomen of maternal stress during the first trimester and the appearnce of ADHD in children around age 5. I will conduct the study at the local clinic. they will provide me with children at age 5 already diagnosed by the clinic with this disorder. All I have to do is to give the survey questions to their mothers to fill it out. They want a nomial scale 1-7 to measure the following: exposure to stress, intensity, frequecny of the exposure to stress, duration, first tiemester of the mother and the Child’s ADHD disorder. Please create a survey questions that tackle these themes ( I created open ended questionas and journals, but the chair rejected them). so whats needed now is a table of these themes and how will I measure them, analyze them and then a a survey questions about theme