Creating a critical incident
This part first describes a critical incident that you have encountered in a school context and then presents an initial analysis of the incident with reference to the meaning of professionalism and multiple perspectives/contexts. It includes the followings:
1. Description of the critical incident (300 words)
2. Initial analysis (500 words)
Guidelines for the analysis:-
? Identify the problem and determine if it involves ethics. (e.g. What was the incident about? Who was involved? What was at stake?)
? Identify the professional roles that were called upon in this situation. (e.g. How did these roles complement or contradict each other? How was this role related to your designated role in the early childhood setting? What is the relationship between your role and the issue/problem identified from this incident?)
? Identify the stakeholders and discuss their viewpoints. (e.g. What were the possible outcomes for each stakeholder? What was the actual outcome?)
? Discuss your thoughts and feelings about what occurred.
? What on-going ‘issue’ can you identify from this incident? What are some possible steps that you can do in order to learn from this issue?