impact of early intervention to improve play skills with young children


Student will read published article that present original research on an area of interest in special education early intervention and write summary of the article. The articles must report original data (i.e., they must not be reviews of other studies or non data papers. Student are advised to select articles that relate as possible to the specific focus of their research project. Student must summarize article published in peer reviewed research journals. I prefer to write about this topic :
Effectiveness of early intervention to improve play skills with young children
Try to find appropriate article (1 article) Then do these Each written summary will include the following elements
1/ APA reference
2/ participants (provide , demographic information, how many, how selected, etc…
3/ research question/ purpose –briefly describe what the researchers were tiring to figure out.
4/ procedures used to teach / change behavior and/or the procedure used to answer the research question(e.g., describe variables /relationship between variables)
5/ Results/finding
6/ how this is meaningful to you to the field of special education?