business class website
Classroom Technology
For a 10th, 11th, 12th grade.High School Business Class Website:
In Minnesota
How will you inform your student’s parents/guardians of your web site and its contents?
Please describe a brief summary of the scope and sequence setting for the unit:
Please provide a summary of each lesson in your 5 day unit: Accounting or economics.
Day 1 –
Day 2 –
Day 3 –
Day 4 –
Day 5 –
What state(MN) content standards will you be addressing in this unit?
What ISTE teacher technology standards will you be addressing in this unit?
What ISTE student technology standards will you be addressing in this unit?
What digital resources will you integrate into your unit and/or web site?
Will these resources be used as formative and/or summative assessments? Be specific to each.
What contextual constraints will you need to consider while integrating these resources? Are they internal or external constraints and why?
How can these constraints be overcome or compensated for?
How will you differentiate with the use of technology in this unit in order to better meet each student’s strength in learning style?
What domains in Bloom’s taxonomy will you be attempting to have your students working in and
how will you use scaffolding in your unit to achieve these levels of cognitive domain in your students through processes?
How will you integrate some of the concepts of Cyber Security, Cyber Safety, and Cyber Ethics?