What is Interior Architecture
As a student, who is entering the profession of Interior Architecture/Design, you are invited to explore how the profession came to be, how it is today and to contribute toward what it will become in the future. As a member of a profession it is imperative that you engage with the Discipline as it is understood and manifests both locally and globally?
You are to write a 600-700 word formal essay that responds to the question:
What is Interior Architecture?
You are to include one currently practicing Interior Architect/Interior Designer or Company and include aspects of their work that reflects your argument.
Although you are welcome to discuss history/theory, you are encouraged to define IA within a 21st
century context as your primary focus.
Through this essay you may want to explore/define/touch on the following (optional):
• What is an Interior?
• What is the history of the Interior, or Interior Architecture/Design Practice?
• How is Design different to Decoration?
• How is Interior Architecture/Design Practice different to Architecture Practice?
Although you will investigate widely—through conversations, books, academic articles, professional magazines, and/or other media—you are to reference at least 3 academic articles or chapters written between 2000-2013, among others. You are to also include diagrams, images or the like.
All sources are to be referenced according to Chicago Style. If you are unsure of the style, please refer to the Library website or Resource Centre.
Through this project you are to demonstrate your ability to:
1. Critique discipline philosophy and practices and apply to design scenarios
2. Access relevant information to identify and analyse key discipline issues
3. Synthesise information to develop an argument pertaining to interior architecture practice
Your success in this essay also relies on an ability to construct an informed argument, and the ability to communicate your ideas clearly and succinctly.