Risk Management and Liability

Risk Management and Liability
Paper instructions:
Case Study Assignment:

Read the two documents on Enterprise Risk Management (ERM).

Explain how enterprise risk management is or is not different from basic risk management.
Explain figure 5 on page 9 of the Brannan and Taylor paper on ERM
Explain Figure 2 –Risk Heat Map- on page 6 of the University of Regina document.
Use five of the ten JCAHO’s top ten actions that will make or break you (Brannan & Taylor) and analyze them according to the criteria in the Risk Heat Map (Figure 2 University of Regina). Make sure to categorize each action according to level of impact, likelihood, and action to take. You may construct a table or simply write out your response.
Assignment Expectations:

Limit your responses to a maximum of three pages, not including title and reference list pages.
Be sure to utilize at least 3-4 scholarly references to support your discussions.
Be sure to properly cite your references within the text of your assignment and listed at the end.
Be sure to apply critical thinking skills to the write-up of your assignment, especially in numbers 1 and 4 above.