Interview Questions
Questions about the Job
• What is your job title? How long have you been working at this title?
• For how many hours do you work?
• How long have you been working in the organization?
• Tell me about the requirements of your current working position
• How many hours do you work? Are you satisfied with your current working hours?
• Are you required to perform any work related responsibilities after your working hours? (For example attending phone calls, checking emails etcetera)
• Does your organization have any work life balance policies? Can you tell me how do they look like?
Personal Characteristics
• What is your marital status?
• Do you have children? If yes, then how many children do you have? Please specify the age of each of your children?
• What responsibilities do you have to perform at home?
Work and Home
• What do you think are the most important elements or priorities of your personal life? (Your life partner? Children? Work? Leisure Activities? Or something else?)
• What are your commitments in terms of your family? Why are they important for you?
• What are your commitments to your work life? Are they important to you? If yes, why?
• How do you manage all of the work and family life commitments? Do they contradict with each other?
• Do you stressed out because of your commitments? Do you find it difficult to fulfill all the stated commitments? Why?
• Do you think you have any control over any of your commitments?
• What do you think work life balance looks like?
Work Life Balance
• What happens if you have to deal with some family or personal life issue during work hours? Is your organization and supervisor supportive regarding the deadlines, HR policies, working hours etc?
• While balancing the commitments of your work with the rest of your life, where do think you have the flexibility? At work or at home? Why?
• Do you proper support from your family (children and spouse), supervisor and organization? Can you describe how do they support you?
• Do you think that your organization supports work life balance?
• Does your supervisor make you job easier or harder? How?
• Do you have an access to the resources (such as WLB program, coping resources etc) that might enable you to gain work life balance? Do you benefit yourself from these resources?
What changes do you think shall be made in order to enable you to maintain a better balance between work and life?
• At work;
? What do you think shall you do?
? What shall the organization do?
? What should be done by your supervisors?
• What changes do you think shall be made at your home?
• Do you think that the suggested changes are likely to occur? Why or why not?