Assignment Requirements
Research problem and literature review on technology addiction in children
In this task, students will identify and articulate a problem worthy of research within their own area of professional interest and expertise. Students will submit an essay which:
• Clearly outlines the background context to the problem
• Succinctly articulates the problem itself
• Provides a literature review which systematically surveys existing research relevant to the topic, identifying multiple research approaches and forms of evidence appropriate to addressing the problem.
• Evaluates the relative advantages and limitations of alternative research perspectives on the problem.
Note: This task is not the development of a full research proposal, but is intended to develop and demonstrate students’ skills in identifying potentially researchable topics and issues, in critically evaluating existing research that bears on the issue, and evaluating alternative possible approaches.
******* I chose to write about the impact of just one of the negatives of technology so my topic is Technology Addiction in Children.
the questions such as
1- The concept of Technology Addiction ?
2- How the Children get the addiction and why?
3- And write about gaming addiction& some computer games that are violent and dangerous. etc..
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