
The paper should focus on the current state of policy in this area and suggestions for change based on the analysis. Students should examine positives and negatives in terms of effects of the policy and/or change on client systems. This discussion must include an assessment of effects related to social and economic justice, diversity, and social work values and ethics. Identify appropriate strategies for making any recommended changes and assess the resources that may be needed to make the changes. In this analysis it is extremely important to support the policy analysis and conclusions with data from the research articles. Use the four headings in the text to write the analysis and cite references appropriately (minimum of 10 in the APA style. For example, heading 1 in your paper will be entitled “Historical Background of the Policy.” Under this section, provide the problems that led to the creation of the policy, how the problems were previously handled, etc.
The paper should be professionally written and approximately 10-15 pages in length, excluding references. It will be evaluated according to the following criteria:

Thoroughness and competence of your analysis and critical thinking skills

Heading 1: Historical Background of the Policy
Heading 2: Problems that necessitate the Policy
Heading 3: Policy Description
Heading 4: Policy Analysis
• Policy goals
• Political/economic/administrative feasibility