Recourse Analysis #1
Language English(U.S.)
Preparation: In class, we will become acquainted with a wide range of Disability Studies resources. We will review and explore different aspects of these resources as well as learn how to perform searches based on subject, author, etc. Outside of class, students will review specific resources to determine their general effectiveness and to advocate for whether or not a given resource should be included in future classes. Topic themes are as follows:
•Resource Analysis #1 – ADA Legacy Project ~~
Article Alternative: “From Freaks to Savants” by Whittington-Walsh
•Students are guided to search for materials that relate to the given unit we are studying. For example, when we are exploring Children’s Media, you may wish to search the terms “children’s media,” “children’s literature,” etc. However, you are also welcome to explore adjacent topics. For example, in this same unit, you may wish to search the terms “monster,” “archetype,” “cartoon,” etc. Additionally, you are welcome to explore further work of authors who capture your attention/imagination.
•Begin by consulting the overview, homepage, abstract etc. to see if the article is on point and appeals to you.
•Read/View your chosen piece thoroughly and analyze the author’s/creator/designer’s approach.
•Report on your findings by covering the following:
1)A concise overview of your chosen Resource
2)The apparent goal/purpose of your chosen Resource
3)A brief discussion of the apparent perspective of the author/creator/designer
4)Your recommendation, with 2-3 supporting reasons, as to whether or not this resource should be included in future classes. (As part of your analysis, you may wish to discuss length, user friendliness, content, overall design, etc.)
•Students have the option to work individually or in groups (3 people max!), but you must clear you groups with me first.