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Our group is assigned to the research project about HVAC (heating, ventilating, and air conditioning) industry in Latin America, (concentrate mainly on 4 countries: Mexico, Chile, Peru and Colombia). My part is to find the competitors to the company we are working with – “Daikin Applied”– that is just trying to expend their presence in that region. I need numbers, graphs, basically as much more data you’ll find then better it is (compare Daikin’s and its competitors revenues, number of employers, regions they are in, how strong is their presence and so for on, do they sell their products directly to the customers or they use mechanical and general contractors?..). Some websites that might contain helpful information might be in Spanish but if you’ll open those websites with google chrome, on the right top corner the will be an option to translate it in English. So I need info on “Daikin” and its competition in HVAC industry in Latin, central and even Mexico markets. (concentrate mainly on 4 countries: Mexico, Chile, Peru and Colombia).
This is just a part of the paper, so there should be no introduction to what HVAC and Daikin is, just go straight into Daikin competition in Latin, central and Mexico markets. (very important to concentrate mainly on 4 countries: Mexico, Chile, Peru and Colombia).