Ocean Pollution

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For this assignment, please compose a 7-10 page essay that expresses an argument based on the Toulmin model. Please choose a current controversy that you can easily analyze from various angles (gender discrimination), an argument that utilizes ALL 3 Rhetorical appeals but that is not based heavily on values or emotion. Don’t choose a stock topic; be original. Choose a topic that means something to you so you can stay focused and interested in the research and easily complete all phases of this assignment. Please refer to Part 4 in your textbook (Chapters 16-21) for specific research and formatting guidelines. You may include up to 3 visual aids (charts, graphs, etc.) in your essay, no larger than 3 in. x 3 ½ in. Each visual piece of evidence counts as a source. Like all of the other sources for this essay, visual evidence must be obtained from the FC databases.
There are many components to this assignment; please see below.
1.    You will submit a detailed proposal Thursday, 4/7. I must approve of your topic before you can proceed with the assignment. Please refer to the Research Proposal assignment handout and Chapter 12 for help composing the proposal.
2.    You will also submit a detailed Toulmin outline with research notes at your individual conference for Essay 3.
3.    You are required to use 10 sources from the FC database for this essay. You will complete 10 Source Response papers using the FC databases only (preferably from Opposing Viewpoints) on Monday, 4/19 and include a Works Cited page with the final draft of your essay. Basic Internet research is not allowed as source material for this assignment.
4.    You will participate in research presentations during week 13-15.
5.    Final Draft must be uploaded to turnitin.com by midnight on Monday, 5/2.

I need someone who has access to sources like ebscohost!