guest speaker

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Submit presenter’s slideshow/outline or notes taken in class (if presenter did not use a slideshow or an outline) when presentation was given and a personal report in short report format (Introduction, Approach, Findings, Discussion, Summary, References) in APA Style…don’t forget the title page. Make sure to include in the summary another paragraph listing each group member’s First and Last Name, Rate each student’s contributions on a scale of 1 (did very little) to 10 (did more than their share) what each group member contributed to this assignment then list their contributions. Please share any other comments that might help me assign the appropriate points for each group member. Especially list all that you did, include people you contacted but could not come, etc. Submit both files to the Guest Speaker Assignment area. Note: You get points based on what you did or tried to do. You don’t get credit for doing nothing. Remember, in your personal report, document what you did and what others did. Personal Report Don’t for get the title page with the Running head: TITLE IN ALL CAPS as a header and the other title page information New Page Give this presentation a title Introduction restate the assignment Approach make sure I am in class on the day that the guest speaker presents Findings see presenter topics above and any bullets that you learned from his/her presentation Discussion discuss one or two of the findings that interested you Summary summarize what was important in your discussion Reference Individual citing…make sure to get all the information you need for this citing in APA style