Summaries of a national policy issue or event as reported in a major news outlet.
* A link to the article.
* You may choose to use one or more of the following news outlets for your assignment:
National/international: New York Times, Washington Post, BBC News,
Regional: Minneapolis Star-Tribune, St. Paul Pioneer Press, Milwaukee Journal-Sentinel, Chicago Tribune, Cincinnati Enquirer, Boston Herald,Philadelphia Inquirer, Tampa Bay/St. Petersburg Times, Atlanta Journal-Constitution, Houston Chronicle, Los Angeles Times, San Francisco
* Newspaper articles must have been published within two weeks of the assignment submission date.
All assignments must be double-spaced, using 12 point font.
* A well-written, well organized entry that demonstrates the ability to critically reflect and synthesize information from multiple sources. The summary includes all relevant information, but is organized and presented independent from the article being summarized. (The organization of the summary is independent from the organizational structure of the news article. If direct quotes are included, they are being used to support an argument or idea the student is making.) Within the reflective portion, the student is able to correctly apply at least two terms/concepts/theories and explains how their chosen article fits into the “larger picture” of either the American political system or class material (for example, last month we discussed “x” and this article reminded me of it because…)
6 pages Long