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Ethics have various meanings and relations with respect to business administration. However, the relationship between different businesses and organizations determines the sense of what is wrong and right. The forces and basis of societal connection between different businesses forms the concept of business ethics (Trevino, 2012). The decision-making of the various businesses should therefore be made with the consideration of business ethics and the rules and regulations set by the state or government. The laws governing the business entities should be well established by the individual states or governments in setting up adequate business relations. The entire operations of a business are required to fall within the brackets of the set laws and within the individual rights of other businesses and clients (Trevino, 2012). Due to the rise in the international market and presence of globalization, the ethical considerations in business have been modified to meet the numerous global standards.

The ethical issues that are rampant in the business fraternity involve businesses that are closely related. Consequently, business partners and affiliates can at times undergo through several differences but these differences are settled through mutual cohesion and understanding. Ethics generate the most influential aspects of business administrations in relation to customer relations, governance of employees’ rights and respect of the business administration by the customers and employees (Bartels, 2013). Research shows that the implementation of fair and reliable ethics in business administration results to positive results. The business gains from the effective connection between the customers and the business administration and between the suppliers and the administration. The profits are therefore increased through proper implementation of business ethics and improvement of the relationship between the business, its clients and the various suppliers (Trevino, 2012).

Safety Rules

There are various laws set by the government entities in the establishment of good relations between businesses and companies. In addition, the laws are usually established to limit the levels of rivalry and disrespect between businesses and companies. There are safety procedures that should be considered in the established of the business entities (Trevino, 2012). The employees should work and enhance safety in their various business protocols. The employees have a huge importance and significance in the running and success of any business. Their rights and objectives should be recognized and respected by the business entities to facilitate adequate working relations.

The safety of the employees in the work place should be established in all levels of the business administration. There are various laws and rules set by the governments in ensuring that the businesses and companies give proper safety tools and services to their individual employees. The companies and businesses that try to cut costs meant for the safety equipments and control are therefore governed by the laws set by the government. The employees have a right to safety and the companies and businesses that fail to honor the laws face the relevant consequences (Arlow, 2011). The entire operations of a business are required to fall within the brackets of the set laws and within the individual rights of other businesses and clients. The forces and basis of societal connection between different businesses forms the concept of business ethics. The implementation of the safety rules and regulations on the operations of the employees in the work place provides an ethical objective that should be established and followed in the running and operation of the various business settings (Trevino, 2012).



Technological Transformations

The technological advancement experienced within the twenty first century indicates that the companies and business entities have experienced numerous challenges in relation to the technological advancement. The use of the internet as part of the company’s tool of operation has brought numerous challenges in the business administration. The employees fail to administer the relevant objectives assigned to them. Instead, the employees involve themselves on personal findings and research. The introduction and usage of social media in the 21st century has developed frequent visits to the various sites (Trevino, 2012). The employees tend to visit the sites during their working hours. This reduces the work force and delays the achievement of goals and objectives. The employees should, therefore respect the rules set to govern the use of company’s facilities on personal matters.

Ethical administration in the business entities governs the use of company’s facilities to work on personal objectives. The time taken by the employees in visiting their personal sites lowers the rate of production. The lower the production rate, the lower the net profits and returns. Due to the rise in the international market and presence of globalization, the ethical considerations in business have been modified to meet the numerous global standards (Trevino, 2012). This affects the companies and businesses because the employees are usually paid to administer some duties but instead involve themselves with personal objectives using the company’s facilities. Ethics generate the most influential aspects of business administrations in relation to customer relations, governance of employees’ rights and respect of the business administration by the customers and employees. The employees tend to visit the sites during their working hours. This behavior should be abolished through constant monitoring and use of advanced technologies to monitor the employees who fail to honor the set rules and regulations.

Corruption and Transparency

The operations conducted within the businesses and companies should be free from corruption. The involvement of corruption cases in the business administration and operations results in the bridging of the objectives set by the companies. Corruption limits the success of any business and allows the availability of loopholes, which cause adverse effects on the business in the end. The officials who participate in corruption and related aspects should be relieved from their duties (Bartels, 2013). The implementation of harsh rules and consequences of the occurrences that risks the success and operation of a company gives warning to the other employees.

Transparency on the other hand, should be enhanced in the operation and running of the various business entities and corporations. The use of transparency in business gives an indication of reliability to the operations and administration of the business. Clients and customers tend to associate with the companies and businesses that have transparency as a key tool in the administration and operation of the various aspects of the business entity (Arlow, 2011). The transparency of the employees in the deliverance of their duties gives adequate room for development and growth of the business due to improved operation. The trust given by the supplier to a business or company is a fundamental feature in the establishment of a mutual relationship between the business and the supplier.

Legal Responsibility and Image Issues

The business is liable to the effects generated by the consumption or use of its goods and services. The actions undertaken by the employees are usually associated with their individual companies. Similarly, the causes of action undertaken by the employees can lead to adverse effects on the operation and establishment of the business or company (Arlow, 2011). There are laws and rules set by the government and the business in the establishment of rational decision making from the employees (Arlow, 2011). The laws governing the business entities should be well established by the individual states or governments in setting up adequate business relations. The entire operations of a business are required to fall within the brackets of the set laws and within the individual rights of other businesses and clients. There are various laws set by the government entities in the establishment of good relations between businesses and companies.

In conclusion, the image of a company should be respected and governed in the establishment of good relations with the clients and suppliers. In business operation, people tend to ‘shy away’ from the companies or businesses with tarnished images. The necessary adjustments should be made to enhance improvement in the management processes and in the maximization of profits. business partners and affiliates can at times undergo through several differences but these differences are settled through mutual cohesion and understanding. There are safety procedures that should be considered in the established of the business entities (Arlow, 2011). The employees should work and enhance safety in their various business protocols. There are various laws and rules set by the governments in ensuring that the businesses and companies give proper safety tools and services to their individual employees. Ethical administration in the business entities governs the use of company’s facilities to work on personal objectives. The time taken by the employees in visiting their personal sites lowers the rate of production.






ReferencesTop of FormBottom of Form

Arlow, P. (2011). Personal characteristics in college students’ evaluations of business ethics and corporate social responsibility. Journal of Business Ethics, 10(1), 63-69.

Bartels, R. (2013). Ethics in business. Columbus: Bureau of Business Research, College of Commerce and Administration, Ohio State University.


Trevino, L. K. (2012). Moral reasoning and business ethics: Implications for research, education, and management. Journal of Business Ethics, 11(5-6), 445-459.