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You don’t need to use other source and reference, please write this essay all based on “Educational Psychology Developing learners Chapter 11 by Jeanne ellis OrmrOd Professor Emerita, University of Northern Colorado
Analyze: Analyze the strengths and limitations of three key concepts, theories, or research findings from the readings. What are the contradictions, inconsistencies, fallacies, or empirical weaknesses? Did an idea change the way you thought about an issue %u0432%u0402%u201C if so, how? Discuss whether you agree or disagree with an idea presented, and why.
Apply: Apply the three key concepts, theories, or research findings from the readings. How would you use this information as an educator and/or learner? How is this information relevant to your professional development?
Question: Develop three effective questions relating to key concepts, theories, or research findings presented in the readings. Questions should foster higher order thinking (e.g., application, analysis, synthesis, and evaluation), creativity, and problem solving. Questions should be challenging, foster discussion, and do not necessarily have one correct answer. Avoid yes or no and knowledge/comprehension questions.