Do digital tools make us more or less productive at work?

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​​-Papers are required in APA format including:

Ø  Double spaced

Ø  12 point Times New Roman typeface and font

Ø  Only MS Word documents will be accepted.

Ø  Cover page

Ø  Table of Contents

Ø  Reference Page – MINIMUM OF 4 PROFESSIONAL REFERENCES. Your text book may be one of these sources. Wikipedia is not an acceptable source. I will be reviewing your quotes and paraphrases for accuracy.

Ø  References may not be more than 5 years old. Only publications from 2011 and forward will be accepted.

Ø  Graphs/Diagrams/Charts may be used if cited appropriately in APA format, from a professional source. However, there should be no more than 2-3 in the paper and these will not count towards the total number of pages.

Ø  3-4 Pages in length for the written portion. Cover page, table of contents, graphs/diagrams/charts and the Reference page do not count towards the 3-4 pages.

Ø  Review the START HERE tab for assistance with writing in APA format.

Ø  Also provide references link as the professor would like to check the website contect.