Accounting – Supermarket

Choose two of the UK’S largest supermarket chains companies from the list provided (Tesco, Sainsbury’s and Morrisons) and download the companies’ annual reports from their website. Produce the 2013, 2014 and 2015 ratio table for the companies you have chosen from the list above (Profitability, Liquidity and Efficiency ratios as performed in class.) Choose two ratios from each category. Based on these ratios and any other additional information available from the annual reports, compile a report comparing the performance of the companies selected.

Learning outcomes to be examined in this assessment :
• Describe and analyse the role of accounting information in a business context.
• Analyse a set of financial statements including balance sheet, profit and loss accounts and cash flow statements.
• Demonstrate the relationship between accounting data and financial planning and resource allocation decisions.

Please write up your comments in no more than 2500 words (Times New Roman, 11 font, single spaced).
Demonstrate the ability to relate theory to the real world.