ADHD and Pediatric Condition


Answer the following questions based on “Casebook in Childhood Behavior Disorders” 4th Edition by Christopher A. Kearny.

Chapters to be read: 1 and 12, from chapter 1 answer question 1, 2 and 3. From chapter 12 answer questions 1 and 3. The questions are at the end of each chapter
? Chapter 1 Discussion Questions: 1,2,3 (p. 11-12)
o #1 ? answer all three parts of question. (4 points)
? (1) Which of Michael?s behaviors do you think were more ?disturbed?? (2 points)
? (2) Which behaviors do you think were more ?disturbing? to his parents and teacher? (1 point)
? (3) Which of Michael?s behavior ?problems? might seem normal for a 9-year-old? (1 point)
o #2 ? answer all both (2) parts of question. (4 points)
? (1) What were Michael?s primary behavior problems? Identify five you consider most important and explain your reasoning. (2 points)
? (2) Which ones (of three diagnoses) do you think were most pertinent? Defend your answer. (2 points)
o #3 ? answer all three parts of question. (4 points)
? (1) How would you explain to parents and others that their behavior must also change if a child?s behavior is to change? (2 points)
? (2) How would you convince a family to stay in treatment if you believed they could greatly benefit from doing so? (1 point)
? (3) Should you do so if family members say they are no longer interested in therapy? Why or why not? (1 point)
? Chapter 12 Discussion Questions: 1,3 (p. 146)
o #1 ? answer both (2) parts of question. (4 points)
? (1) How might you distinguish between real pain and exaggerated pain in children? (2 points)
? (2) What might reinforce exaggerated pain? (2 points)
o #3 ? answer both (2) parts of question. (4 points)
? (1) What psychological factors other than stress could trigger pain and other physical responses? (2 points)
? (2) How does your own personality and behavior affect your body?s functioning? (2 points)