An Educator’s Website

An Educator’s Website
Type Essay
Level High School
Style APA
please use easy word
Website Set Up
* Create your personal website in the tool of your choice (you may choose Googlsites, Weebly, Wix, Sitespace, etc). This website should show you as an educator who is actively exploring how to professionally communicate through web pages.

The site must include 7 content pages that should include the following:

a Home page: describe the focus of your website and what information readers will find on your site
an About Me page
a page (or pages) that describes the subjects/classes you teach and provide relevant information
a contact form (use Google docs or other tools to create a form and embed it on the page)
Media Content (do 3 of the following)
* Search for a video on YouTube that is related to your site’s focus/purpose; embed this video on a page in your site
* Add a photo gallery/slideshow of at least 10 pictures to your site, using images that relate to your site’s focus/purpose; be sure to give credit (citations) for images borrowed from others (do not just insert images on your page; this should be a photo slideshow)
* Add an RSS feed to a podcast or news feed that relates to your site’s focus, purpose
* Add a paragraph in your site that discusses how various media elements can support teaching/learning in your area of expertise
Meaningful Resources
* Search for at least 5 articles or websites that provide SUBSTANTIAL information/support for your career specialization (site theme). Add the reference citations, full text link or URL for these resources on a Resource/Reference page of your site or your course/subject page

* Locate one blog that provides interesting and meaningful content for your career specialization (site theme)

Here is an example of what teachers created for this assignment (Be aware that we have some major revisions on our project requirements and rubric as well this semester. So these sites may not fit the new rubric very well. But it should give you some ideas what your site could focus on…) (Links to an external site.)
What to Submit
Submit the link to your website to M2: Educator’s Website by the due date.
Alternative Option
Teachers come to EDTL 6120 with various technology backgrounds. While some teachers are new to web development, others have efforts well underway. If you have already developed website before and have a similar personal site like the one described above, send the link to your site to me. You may take this opportunity to explore something new.
after you done all the above answer this question in separate section
Do you think is important that you create a website for your classroom and your students (or maybe parents)? Why or why not? Provide evidence for your response and give an example of what you might create, if you believe having a web presence as a teacher is important.