Write a paper that engages with Aquinas and his ideas about human nature, ethics, and law. Your paper claim should pertain to the issues raised by the prompt, but do not use a “direct” answer to a prompt question as your paper claim.
Which system of law would your prefer: a system of simple laws or a system of complex laws (like we have)? Why?. This paper asks you to compare the functions of law in Aquinas and Confucius. We seem to live in a legal system closer to the one Aquinas envisions than the one Confucius does. Is this a good thing for us as citizens? Why? Consider: Should the law be only comprehensible to experts? In both systems, the law educates citizens; in which one can it actually do so? Can a system of complex laws educate citizens? Does the complexity of our laws reflect the complexity of our world? If so, should we “trade-off” a complex system of law for the benefits of our complex world? Why is this “trade-off” worth it? How could you argue for this “trade-off”?