Are individuals in cities more/less healthy than individuals in rural areas?

Are individuals in cities more/less healthy than individuals in rural areas?

The paper should include the following sections:
1. An introduction.
2. A brief literature review.
3. A data description. State the sources of the data, the time period covered, and the key variables used.
4. A discussion of the econometric model, or your strategy for answering the question. Describe your main econometric framework. How does it provide an answer to your question? What are the main parameters of interest? How do we interpret them? What do they measure?
5. A discussion of the results. Referring to output tables of your estimation strategy in point (4), what do the results tell us about your question? Are there any limitations to the results? What are the shortcomings and how do they affect interpretation?
6. A conclusion. Wrap everything back around to the introduction. What are the main points to take away from your analysis?
7. A bibliography with proper citations. These references must be carefully cited in accordance with standard manuals of style.
8. An appendix. This is where all your tables, figures, diagrams, etc. should appear. These should not appear in the main text, and should be clearly labelled and numbered in the