arrestee’s DNA under Maryland’s DNA Collection Act
Module 5 Writing Assignment:
Recently the Maryland Court of Appeals ruled that taking an arrestee’s DNA under Maryland’s DNA Collection Act at the time of arrest violated his privacy rights under the Fourth Amendment.
• Find and read the Court’s opinion in this case.
• After reading the opinion, in a single paragraph summarize the Court’s reasoning for ruling in this fashion.
• Next research how other state and federal courts have ruled in similar cases. Summarize your findings, identify the courts that have ruled differently and explain their reasoning.
• Analyze which position is most compelling and persuasive.
• Consider and discuss the implications of the Maryland ruling on law enforcement in pending cases where DNA taken under the Act has been used to identify suspects. What advice would you give to law enforcement in those cases if you were the Attorney General?
Your writing must be at least 5 pages and no more than 6 pages in length in 12 point font, Times New Roman and must comply with MLA style in all aspects. Refer to the Pre Class Module for links to the OWL at Purdue for additional assistance.