ASL 311

Assignmnet #1
This assignmnet is an Educational Placement Animation and I attached you two file for this and I named them as (book chapter assignment 1 and assignment #1) you will find all the info about the assignmnet in the file of assignmnet #1 file.

Assignmnet #2
This assignmnet is a student diary and I attached you a two files for this assignmnet and I named them as (Assignmnet #2 and book chapter assignmnet 2) you will find all the assignmnet info in the fail that named assignmnet #2.

Assignmnet #3
This assignmnet is and Individual Communication Plan. I attached some files for this assignmnet and I am going to list them to you
1- Assignmnet #3 which you will find all the info about the assignmnet.
2- communication_plan. which is the file that you have to fill and answer the question.
3- jonathan’s second communication_plan “example”. This is an example that our teacher give it to us as a help to know how to do the assignmnet

All the old assignmnet that have been done by other writer will be in a zip file and named old assignment that you will need them for assignment # 2 and 3

For this assignment I payed for 4 pages one page for Assignment #2 and page and half approximately you are going to need to fill the Individual communication plan in the assignment #3 and the other page and half to the the animation assignment