
Methodology-A very brief summary of the

method you will use to examine your research

questions included in Chapter One. Dissertation and

proposal convention reserves Chapter Three for the

detained discussion of methodology. The proposal

version of Chapter Three, written now in future tense,

provides as much detail as possible of what you intend

to do to collect and analyze the data for the dissertation

version of Chapter Three. (Which will be rewritten in

past tense after your research is completed.) (This

summary will later provide exact replicable details of

what you actually did to collect and analyze data.)

Submit a brief summary of the intended methodology

that will be included in Chapter 1. This summary should

be about a paragraph long, two at the most.

Submit the full Chapter 3-Methodology that includes

o Description of the location from which

participants will be selected

o Access permissions needed and method

for obtaining permission from both participants and


o Description of participants and any

possible permissions that will be required (i.e., from

parents if participants are under 21)

o Description of data collection method

(observation, survey, etc.)

o Description of any instrument that is

planned to be used and any pilot study needed (e.g., if

you design your own survey). Include any validity and

reliability scores for all standardized assessment

instruments (available in Buros Mental Measurements



o Brief description of planned data analysis

• Permissions-Submit a draft of all

permission letters you may need to send out in order to

accomplish your study. These could be a request to a

principal to come to the school to interview teachers, a

letter to accompany a survey that you intend send out,

a request to use a mailing list of an organization (i.e.,

Phi Delta Kappa membership), or a letter to parents

for permission to observe their child in the classroom.

[NOTE: All permission letters you plan to send out

must be included in the Appendix of the Proposal. All

signed letters granting permission must be included in

the Appendix of the Dissertation.]