Attractiveness and Prison sentence

This is the Data View data collected to be analyse

NOTE: G- Gender, A-Age, D- Defendant, S- Sentence, G- Guilt, A-Attractiveness
G A D S    G    A
female    21    A    6    2    7
female    19    A    18    4    5
female    37    A    12    3    6
female    32    A    10    3    6
female    19    A    24    5    3
female    24    A    25    5    3
female    19    A    6    2    6
female    18    A    8    3    6
female    19    A    20    4    4
female    18    A    15    3    5
female    18    A    7    2    6
female    48    A    6    1    7
female    20    A    12    2    6
male    45    A    10    3    5
female    46    A    14    2    6
female    19    A    30    5    2
female    19    A    9    2    6
female    19    A    4    1    7
female    18    A    10    3    5
female    19    A    9    2    5
female    18    B    60    7    1
female    27    B    48    6    2
female    21    B    66    6    1
female    21    B    66    7    1
female    33    B    55    5    3
male    19    B    60    6    2
female    26    B    60    6    2
female    22    B    50    5    3
female    39    B    60    6    2
female    22    B    55    7    1
female    18    B    66    6    1
female    47    B    66    7    1
male    27    B    48    7    2
female    19    B    60    6    1
female    21    B    48    5    2
female    31    B    48    5    2
male    28    B    60    6    1
female    19    B    66    5    1
female    24    B    55    4    3
female    21    B    58    5    2
female    19    C    50    5    3
female    19    C    55    5    3
female    22    C    55    6    3
female    32    C    50    5    3
male    21    C    48    4    4
female    19    C    49    5    3
female    19    C    44    4    3
female    18    C    60    7    2
female    21    C    44    2    3
female    21    C    44    6    4
female    19    C    48    5    3
female    37    C    55    7    2
female    21    C    44    6    3
female    19    C    40    4    4
female    19    C    50    5    3
male    19    C    50    5    3
male    20    C    60    6    2
female    18    C    66    6    2
female    23    C    40    4    3
female    19    C    40    4    3
female    20    D    30    3    4
female    23    D    24    2    5
female    18    D    28    3    4
female    23    D    24    4    4
female    21    D    18    2    5
male    20    D    18    2    5
Female 22    D    20    3    4
female    18    D    20    3    4
female    19    D    18    4    5
female    22    D    20    2    5
male    21    D    30    3    4
female    19    D    34    4    4
female    19    D    40    5    3
female    18    D    12    3    5
female    21    D    18    4    4
female    21    D    24    4    4
female    19    D    12    2    5
female    37    D    18    3    5
female    21    D    22    4    4
female    19    D    24    3    4

1. Enter above data into SPSS
2. Look at the data file – how many participants were there in the study.
3. Make note of the number (and percentage) of participants who were male and those were female.
4. Make note of the mean age and standard deviation as well as the minimum and maximum age.
5. Note the mean and standard deviation for guilt, attractiveness and prison sentence for each defendant below ( and the totals). Which defendant received the longest sentence and which received the shortest, which was viewed as most guilty and which least is reflected in their attractiveness rating?
6. Find the relationship between physical attractiveness rating and length of prison sentence. Look at the scatter plot produced. Does there appear to be a relationship between the two variables. Is the relationship a positive or negative one.
7. Find the relationship between physical attractiveness ratings and level of guilt. Look at the scatter plot produced. Does there appear to be a relationship between the two variables. Does there appear to be a relationship between the two variables.
8. What kind of analysis would enable you to examine this kind of relationship between variables?
which two variables did you choose to do the correlation on?
9. Look at the correlation tanble produced. This has 4 cells and gives the correlation coefficient, the N and the significance value ( 2 tailed ). Why are some of the coefficient 1, what does this mean?
The correlations given at the 2 tailed significance. Is our hypothesis one or two tailed? What should we do to the p- value as a result?
Report the correlation below. Report this in words and using the appropriate statistics.

10. Select the two variables that you want to conduct the correlation on.Indicate the two variables you choose to do the correlation on?
The correlations given at the 2 tailed significance. Is our hypothesis one or two tailed? What should we do to the p- value as a result?
Report the correlation below. Report this in words and using the appropriate statistics.
11. How do the findings of this study fit hypotheses made in the literature that less attractive defendants should receive longer sentences and be seen as more guilty and more attractive defendants should receive shorter sentences and be less guilty ( according to the theory)?
Do the findings support the theory? Can you think of any limitation to the current study? Do you have any ideas for how we could improve research in this area or for future studies in this area?
Write this up in correct lab report format. 1500 words.
Put a copy of the questionnaire/ materials and your SPSS output in your appendix. Put graph tables in the result section.
Put a table on the means/ sds for each defendant on attractiveness and length of sentence, scatter plot and the results of the correlation in the results sections.
Suggested references ( ADD 3 MORE REFERENCES)
Abel, M,H., & Watters, H. ( 2005). Attributions of guilt and punishment as functions of physical attractiveness and smiling. Journal of Social Psychology, 145, 687-702 (via Swetswise)
Ahola, A.S., Christianson, S.A.,&Hellstom,. A. (2009). Justice needs a blindfold: effects of gender and attractiveness on prison sentences and attribution of personal characteristics in a judicial process. Psychriatry, Psychology and Law, 16, Supplement S90-S100. ( via Swetswise)
Anderson, R.(1978). Physical attractiveness and locus of control, Journal of social Psychology, 105, 213-216 ( via Swetswise)
Mazzell. R.,& Feingold, A. (1994). The effects of physical attractiveness, race, socioeconomic status, and gender of defendants and victims on judgements of mock jurors: a meta- analysis. Journal of Applied Social Psychology, 24, 1315-1344

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