Biology final paper

Final Paper Requirements

• Title and Authors

– short and meaningful

• Abstract

– do this part last!

– summarize your paper – 6 sentences maximum

• Introduction

– introduce your topic (use citations)

– include your null and alternative hypotheses

• Methods

– use your own words

– past-tense

– paragraph form

– give alpha (P) value and df


– use paragraphs to explain your results – include labeled tables and figures

– report statistics like this example: “Elephants showed a strong preference for eating hay over grass X’= 2.56, df = 2, P = 0.05).”

• Discussion

– explain what your results mean in the ‘big picture’ (e.g. behaviorally, ecologically, etc.)

– address any factors that may have given you false results

• Bibliography

– must include 5 sources that are cited in your paper (your lab manual, 3 approved journal articles, and 1 other reputable source)

• Title and Authors

• Abstract

• Introduction

• Materials and Methods

• Results

• Discussion

• Bibliography

 6 pages

 double-spaced

 12 pt font