This Assignment you have to watch some video and read some articles
then write reflections and answer questions as blog then create create Create a short voki ((You will find on the file explain how to use the program voki and the requirement to write about what))
Written Assignments rols from my prof : Statement: Technological tools to assure academic honesty may be used at the instructor’s discretion. For a full definition of academic dishonesty, please refer to the graduate catalogs.
Please put the sources carefully.
Please work sincerely and honestly
My prof gives a lot of attention to plagiarism, So please no plagiarism.
No copied from websites. You must cite all sources you use when you use other people’s information in your writing.
Please follow up these instructions when writing the blog:
You have posted your weekly blog reflections after you see the videos and read the articles that i send it on the file you have to write reflections and answer the questions .
At least 5 paragraphs and 6-8 complete sentences
worth of writing with examples, images, videos, etc, as well as links to support your sources for citing
Please also name the posting using creativity. It is meant to attract an audience.
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