These are the instructions for the paper, after this I asked the instructor clarification and bellow you will se the clarification she sent.
Copy and paste your one (1) full page book report (cliff note,) or your Journal article summary, into the discussion forum so we do not have to download or click on links. Must be 300 – 350 words, and published within the last 5 years.
Keep in mind that a cliff note/journal summary is like reading the book or the journal article summary without having to read the book or the entire journal article.
Include in your book cliff note/journal article summary, things we can try to improve our health or treat symptoms. Be sure to include in-text citations and references, APA Format.
Read and respond to at least two (2) peer’s reports. Must be 150 – 200 words
You should attempt to try techniques or therapies described in the book/journal article and report your experience to get full credit.