Brazil’s criminal justice system and comparisons to the United States

Research Paper: Discuss the criminal justice system in Brazil, compare it with the criminal justice system in the USA, and discuss its strengths and weaknesses in relation to law enforcement, criminal procedure, courts, sentencing and corrections. (1)Identify and explain what criminal justice model Brazil uses. (2) Describe the differences between this country’s criminal justice and that of the USA. (3) Assess its strengths and weaknesses with regards to law enforcement, criminal procedure, courts, sentencing and corrections. (4) Discuss how it could inform improvement of the criminal justice system anywhere. In the paper, include an introduction (what is it you are addressing in the paper and what are the main points in the discussion?), the discussion of your findings (what did you find in the literature in response to the research questions?) and a conclusion (this is not a summary of your findings but a critical reflection on your findings in response to the research questions).