Read Brenner’s Chapter: Interviewing in Educational Research, and as you read this chapter, please highlight helpful ideas for any novice Researcher intending to write a Research Proposal in the area of WHOLE PERSON LEARNING in HIGHER EDUCATION – with a research topic: Re – Thinking Higher Education through Whole Person Learning. Keep in mind that the type of research to be undertaken by this novice researcher is INTERPRETIVE INQUIRY RESEARCH.
After identifying helpful ideas from the text, write down three (3) Quotes obtained from the reading you may consider very helpful to this novice researcher undertaking research in the area highlighted above. A quote can be about:
1) Helpful idea: A key idea you found helpful, reassuring, or clarifying
2) Provocative: The way the quote made a new question come to mind for you
3) Confusing: The way the quote made you wonder about how interviewing for interpretive inquiry is the same or different from other approaches to interviewing.
Important: After every Quote please indicate by writing down the reason(s) as to why you chose this quote.
Important: All remember to include or cite page numbers where these quotes can be found in the reading or chapter.
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