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As one of the program outcomes for the Bachelor of Science in Information Technology program, students mustapply the principles of systems analysis and design to fundamental business systems within the organization.
Complete Section 3 of the Service Request SR-rm-022 paper. This section incorporates the transition from design to implementation. Consider revising Sections 1 and 2 based on faculty feedback.
Prepare a 4- to 6-page paper that accomplishes the following:
- Describe the implementation stage for this project.
- Include a discussion of the six major activities for the implementation stage as described in the text:
- Coding
- Testing
- Installation
- Documentation
- Training
- Support
- Describe in the discussion of these six activities how each activity would be specifically planned for the individual project situation.
- Discuss the benefits of using defined and repeatable processes for accomplishing these activities for the implementation stage.
- Cite and discuss 2 to 3 references, in addition to the required readings, that are relevant to the assignment. Include citations and references formatted consistent with APA Guidelines.
Compile Sections 1 through 3 into one final paper.