Business plan for Alpha Finance

We need A very good buisness plan for A new starte firm, Alpha Finance, it will be started in Stavanger, NORWAY, we will need A swot analyse,

Setup Mortgage Company

Name : Alpha Finance
Logo : α
Commencement: 15 May 2014
Share capital: 1.000.000 , –
Attorney Company : Kluge & Co.
Accounting: PWC
Auditor: Ernst & Young
VPS: DNB Registrar
Purpose: Provide funding for startup companies / entrepreneurs
Strategy : 1 10 % of the outstanding shares in the companies as Sign-on and the services
2 10% Performance fee for financing
3 Obtaining financing investor groups directly to each case
4 Funde up Alpha Finance at term, with a view to developing a solid company
with opportunities to form a fund
Services : 1 Consultancy from concept to commercialization.
2 Tax and financial consulting
3 Network Consulting and connect with serious players in the fields of :
Staple companies , board composition, financial / banking, Innovation Norway , the tax deduction , etc. , accounting, auditing, lawyers , patents , designs, web , advertising , production , sales , distribution , and more.

We help entrepreneurial businesses to reach their full potential.
We help entrepreneurs to become all you can be .
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