Caribbean Brewers: Transfer Pricing, Ethics and Governance -Essay

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Objective: Place yourself in a real business situation. Read your case study, you have been given all of the facts of the situation and have been asked to write a professional business letter. Your letter must address the requirements listed under the case study you have been assigned. You can also address any items mentioned in the case study that management expressed concern about. Although business letters do not necessarily come with citations and/or back up information, you should provide this information as an addendum to your letter for verification purposes.

1. Caribbean Brewers: Transfer Pricing, Ethics and Governance

a. Plans have changed and the Board of Directors has been grounded in the US by snow. Instead of presenting to the Board you must now write a detailed, well thought out letter. Using the requirements under “The Challenges Ahead” pg 3 of the case study you must prepare a letter to the board of directors which covers all of these points.

b. Don’t forget your letter must address their concerns as well as discuss any additional management control or other issues you should discuss with regards to matters of governance.

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