Case Study on Hardee Transportation

Review pages 138-139 in the attached PDF regarding Hardee Transportation (B) and answer the
Case Questions. Refer to the Resources for specific requirements.

Hint: Look at pages 149 to 153 TL costing model to give you a guide on the case study.

Please include a table and/or chart to analysis given values (attach separate excel spread
sheet or embed in case study)

Please Utilize more supporting information and expand paper by providing a more in-depth
analysis about the case and the factors/variables that make up the case. For this
assignment, I do not want only an “answer”, but also a detailed analysis of the context,
the factors and variables for each of the questions.

Please use at least 3 references. Case Study should be in APA format.

Source of attached PDF :

Book Title –
Transportation: A Supply Chain
Perspective, Seventh edition
Authors :
John J. Coyle, Robert A. Novack, Brian J.
Gibson and Edward J. Bardi
South-Western Cengage Learning
5191 Natorp Boulevard
Mason, OH 45040
Published date : 2010-03-04