Classic English Literature

Assignment Two: Video Description and Analysis Write a 750 word multi-paragraph essay in which you describe and analyze a video of your selection. Be sure to include a Works Cited page that indicates your video source. Use the following style for MLA: WORKS CITED Http:// “Sandra Bland Dashcam Video Released.” YouTube. YouTube, 2015. Web. 20 Sept. 2016. DESCRIPTION: Write as if your audience had not or could not see the video themselves. Use the four journalistic questions: Who, What, Where, When. Use the five senses to make sure you’re describing what you see, hear, touch, taste, smell. Think in terms of action—and describe the action in terms of active voice verbs. Divide it up into paragraph units, as necessary. You may need to provide an overview of the structure of the video. Also, I want some mild mistakes on the essay not a perfect one.