Community Health Assessment Care Plan

1. Review chapter 2 Power Point presentation that you can find in the lecture tab of the blackboard or attached in the assignment message.
2. Based on your windshield survey observations, epidemiology presentation and family health assessment identify 5 community health issues/problems, formulate the diagnosis and develop a nursing plan of care according to the nursing process.
3. Planning and prioritization phase must be included in the plan.
4. Refer to box 2-6 on page 42 of our class textbook for guidance.
5. Submit a community nursing plan of care in a Power Point presentation format
6 Thee scholarly evidence-based references are required to sustain your planning and interventions (class textbook does not count)
7. Due date: Saturday April 9, 2016 @ 2016.
Total points: 50
Community nursing health care plans are not similar to the care plans that we are accustomed to develop in hospital setting, planning and interventions take a different approach.


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