1 Introduction.
1.1 Brief history of the German Beer Market.
1.2 What is Transaction Theory ?
2.The Current-Changing Market
2.1 Markent Concentration
2.2 Statistical Analysis of decrease in breweries.
2.3 Market Overcapacity.
3.Why is the Market Concentrating ?
3.1 Decreased Consumption
3.2 Changin socio-deographic development.
3.3 Rising Prices.
4.What are Breweries Doing to stay competetive ?
4.1 Mergers
4,2 Acquisitions.
5.Why are Breweries Merging ?
5.1 Reduce Transaction Costs.
5.2 Reduce Production Costs.
5.3 Economies of Scale.
6.Conclusion. P.S. Not the same,but like this.Change some statements.
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