Culture and Innovation in Organisations


The assignment should contain:

1. A critical review of theories of the nature of organisational culture, including how it may impact on innovation, and how it may be affected by the leaders of an organisation

2. An examination of how culture influences behaviours related to innovation and change in an organisation of your choice

3. A recommendation as to strategies and actions that could be implemented (by you or by the organisation’s leaders) to enhance or create an appropriate culture .

The assignment must include a clear structure with abstract, bibliography, appendices, and diagrammatic representation where appropriate. You must make appropriate use of journal articles, research papers and texts.

Recommended Reading :

#Mats Alvesson and Stefan Sveningsson 2008 Changing Organizational Culture, Routledge: London

#Ian Brooks 2009 Organisational Behaviour FT/Prentice Hall: Harlow

#K Cameron and RE Quinn 2006 Diagnosing and Changing Organisational Culture Jossey Bass

#S Cartwright, CL Cooper, PC Earley, et al, (eds). The International Handbook of Organizational Culture and Climate, Wiley: Chichester (# scanned chapter by Ulijn available in Moodle)

Jean Hartley and Layla Branicki 2006 Managing with political awareness, Chartered Management Institute and Warwick University (available to download from

#G Hofstede 2001 Culture’s Consequences, Sage: Thousand Oaks, CA

*G Hofstede, GJ Hofstede and M Minkov 2010 Cultures and Organizations McGraw Hill: New York

*Linda Holbeche 2006 Understanding change: theory, implementation and success Elsevier Butterworth-Heinemann

# Robert House, PJ Hanges, M Javidan, PW Dorfman and V Gupta (eds) 2004 Culture, leadership, and organizations : the GLOBE study of 62 societies, Sage: London (# scanned chapter by Javidan available on Moodle)

#Richard D Lewis 2006 When Cultures Collide Nicholas Brealey

#Jeffrey B K Liker and Michael Hoseus 2008 Toyota Culture: the Heart and Soul of the Toyota Way, McGraw Hill: New York

#G Morgan 2006 Images of Organization Sage: London

*Laurie Mullins 2010 Management and Organisational Behaviour FT/Prentice Hall

*F Trompenaars 2010 Servant-leadership across cultures: harnessing the strength of the world’s most powerful management philosophy McGraw-Hill

#Fons Trompenaars and Peter Woolliams 2003 Business Across Cultures, Capstone: Chichester