Data collection are concerned that this practice violates the privacy of individuals.

Data collection are concerned that this practice violates the privacy of individuals.

Data collection companies make millions of dollars per year collecting consumer data and selling it (primarily to companies that use the information to design or market products and/or services). Some of the data is generated from public records that offer general data about consumers but the most profitable information tracks important “personal” information: things like spending habits, political and religious beliefs, or other identifying information like family relations and birthdates. For at least a decade, these data collection companies have been scouring the internet for information about you the consumer. Until recently, this did not create much public outcry until it was discovered that data collection companies were tracking and selling information gained from people’s personal social media profiles: Facebook and MySpace pages, Twitter accounts, Blogspot, WordPress and YouTube accounts. While these companies claim that the data they sell is public information (email addresses, screen names, web-site addresses, interests, professional histories, etc.) many are concerned that this practice violates the privacy of individuals.

Question: Is it morally permissible for data companies to collect and sell information from people’s public social media profiles?

Guidelines for the Paper

1. Include a thesis sentence in the first paragraph of your paper, indicating what you will be arguing for. Also, this paragraph, or the one following it, should contain a brief description of how you will go about defending your thesis.

2. Briefly explain the issue neutrally; that is, as objectively as you can explain the situation so your reader has a general understanding of what the issue is. Note: this should not be where you spend the majority of your time, as this will provide background information. Nonetheless, take some time to research the issue. There are many information articles available on-line that detail what data-collection companies are doing.

3. Give one or two well developed arguments in support of your view (if you want to add more that’s fine, but a paper of this length will probably only be able to sustain two argument, if they are properly developed). Each argument should be composed of at least one normative principle and at least one bridging claim that leads to your conclusion. Your normative principle should be based on one of the moral theories we discuss in class, e.g. utilitarianism, Aristotelean virtue theory, Kantian moral theory etc. While you can use a moral theory we have not discussed, including your own theory, this is not recommended. Note: These arguments should not be offered in premise and conclusion form (e.g. P1, P2, etc.) but written out just like we find in our readings.