Decision making

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Please respond to these 5 questions must be APA format and include in text citations for all questions 100-150 words each

Question 1
Apply some of the tools and techniques available to aid decision-making.

List  three decision-making analysis tools.

Choose one of these tools, and Include information related to situations where the tool would be utilized, the steps involved in the decision-making process, and the desired outcome.

Research, reference, and cite specific examples for your selection using APA guidelines.

Question 2
Planning is one of the essential management functions to ensure successful outcomes for the organization.

Read chapter 4 and identify one essential component from the list below that has to be inclusive in the planning process to develop an organization’s guiding documents:

    Vision
    Mission
    Goals
    Objectives
Research, reference, and cite using APA 6th Edition guidelines

Question 3
In planning, one of the essential steps is developing goals.  Goals are established as part of the planning developmental process.  These goals are written and shared across the  organizational and are applicable to all level of employees.  In addition, goals are important for organizations because they serve as a blueprint that aide in determining a course of action and how to better prepare for future changes. Organizational goals also motivate, inspire employees, and assist an organization to evaluate and control performance.

According to Massachusetts Institute of Technology (MIT), “Using the SMART acronym can help ensure that managers and employees share the same understanding of goals set during performance review conversations”  Para. 1).

Write a goal for your organization which meets the requirements of  SMART goals.

    S  – specific
    M – measurable
    A –  achievable
    R  – relevant
    T  – time-based
Research, reference, and cite using APA guidelines.

Question 4
Strategic management is usually the role of the board of directors and senior management.  However, as health care organizations are moving to participative management, this responsibility is being shared across all levels of management.

SWOT analysis is a useful method of determining an organization’s performance and plan for future ventures.  However, I also believe that internal auditing is very helpful as well. According to MacGladrey (2011), “an internal audit can help to locate high-risk areas within your organization as well as potential opportunities”  (Pp. 4-7).