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Select a classroom and describe the student population, its setting, and the subject that is to be taught.
- Create a lesson plan based on the Common Core Standards, national-content standards, or state-content standards. Click HERE for a sample lesson plan model.
- Differentiate the content, process, or product for at least three different types of learners.
- The plan should clearly define and describe the modifications that support the three learners’ needs and styles.
- The lesson needs to use four or more instructional strategies discussed in the textbooks, chats, or other resources.
- The instructional strategies should emphasize active and exploratory learning and can be associated with constructivism, cognitive learning theory, brain research, or specific differentiated instruction recommendations.
- Each method can be used for one or more of the identified students.
- The lesson plan should include a description of the strategies, how they should be implemented, rationale for their inclusion, and an evaluation format for determining effectiveness for student achievement.
- The lesson should include a pre-assessment, post-assessment, and/or optional rubric.