Detailed Research Design-Research Paper

Order Description

Detailed research design due in class, including list of concepts of interest (variables); identify how these variables these variables will be operationalized and measured. Papers must be in APA Style with Times New Roman 12 point font.
– Be specific
– Explain the theory in detail- even what seems obvious (a paragraph)
– Explain in detail the variables and how they will be measured (absolute, percentage, average, etc.) (hypothesis)
– Explain why your using the measures you chose- are the best possible? If not, why are you using them?
– Explain why your using the sample you are (identify the cases, the time period, and the reasoning)
– Be sure you have included specific measures for all control variables (not hypothesis here)
– One suggestion to help present your variables is to provide a table outlining your measurements for the variables in your model: See example below
Political Stability = Wealth + Social Wellness + Political Freedom + Involvement in Conflict + Socioeconomic Equality + e
Concept    Data    Measurement
Stability (DV)    State Fragility Index    0-20 scaled score
Economic development    GNP P/C (PPP)    Constant US dollars
Standard of living    UN’s HDI Index    0-1 scaled score
Democracy    Freedom House Score    0-7 scaled score
Engaged in conflict    MIDs database    0/1 dichotomous score
Socioeconomic Inequality    GINI Coefficient    0-100 scale
Note: This is not a research paper that is the closest thing they had to research design. My degree is in International Relations Regional Affairs Asia which my school has in the Political/Social Sciences.

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