Q1- How would you describe the variables? as following
Q2- How would you measure the variable ? as following
1-Access to finance ½ page
2- Financial performance for SMEs ½ page
2.1 Liability to assets ratio ½ page
2.2 Profit ½ page
2.3 Return of asset ½ page
2.4 Revenue ½ page
3- Demographic factors for SMEs ½ pages
3.1 Age ½ page
3.2 Size ½ page
3.3 Sector ½ pages
4- Management skills for SMEs ½ pages
4.1 Management and experience ½ pages
4.2 Business Planning ½ pages
4.3 Education level ½ pages
4.4 Political Connection ½ pages
According to this objectives what is Justification of this study and why this study is important? 1 1/2 page
-1- To identify the effects of financial performance on access to financing.
2- To identify the effects of firm demographics on access to financing.
3- To identify the effects of management skills on access to financing.
What is the Justification to choose country of Libya in this study ? 1 page
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